Austrian Audio partners with MC WAR Rap Battles

Austrian Audio partners with MC WAR Rap Battles

Austrian Audio has announced a collaboration with MC WAR, which champions the official sport of rap battling. The partnership will see MC WAR use Austrian Audio microphones and headphones for its artists’ productions and rap battle competitions.

Austrian Audio has announced a collaboration with MC WAR, which champions the official sport of rap battling. The partnership will see MC WAR use Austrian Audio microphones and headphones for its artists’ productions and rap battle competitions.

MC WAR combines the competitive nature of rap culture and its ability to send messages to its audience through the medium of battle rap. MC WAR, which dubs itself ‘The Official Sport of Rap Battling’ was formed in 2003 with the aim of turning rap battling into a sport – with the platform growing exponentially since then.

What was once known as a subculture, has taken the mainstream hip-hop industry by storm, being featured in numerous television specials and movies, reinforcing MC WAR’s work to bring rap battling into the spotlight.

“What we are presenting is a robust opportunity to place the Austrian Audio brand in front of millions of people in 2020,” comments Amir James, COO of MC WAR. “Through the platform of battle rap, coupled with the superstar status of our participants, we will help Austrian Audio drive sales and consumer interest to extraordinary heights.”

“We’re excited about our partnership with MC WAR as one of the most powerful, creative, and entertaining formats in today’s music industry,” adds Walter Rührig, Market Development Manager and Artist Relations, Austrian Audio. “With MC WAR, Amir James and his partners have formed a unique and outstanding platform for delivering rap battling to its fan community. Austrian Audio is proud to be MC WAR’s partner for professional microphones and headphones.”

Find our more about MC War here.

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