Marcelo Novati


OC18: great microphone for overheads and various purposes. Super clarity and bright tone for details. CC8: I use it for Hihat, ride and snare. Great response in various frequencies! OD5: Great mic for toms  OC7: great mic for mono overhead, snare down, front kit and kick out.

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Marcelo Novati was born in Buenos Aires on March 21, 1969. At age 11 he began to study drums with teachers Alex Sanguinetti, Hector Ruiz, and Jota Morelli, then formed his first band at school. At 17 he started playing professionally with Sandra and Celeste with which he toured South America. After a few years playing with Ruben Goldin and virtuoso guitarist Luis Salinas, is called by the great Argentinean artist Luis Alberto Spinetta to record their new live album entitled II Exactas 11.

In 92/93 he went on tour to Europe with pianist Lito Vitale, with whom he recorded two albums in Argentina. He also played and recorded with Nacha Guevara, Viuda e Hijas de Roque Enroll, Patricia Sosa and Juan Carlos Baglietto. In 1997 he moved to Madrid, Spain, where he began working , playing and recording with artists such as Ketama, Mecano, Presuntos lmplicados, Miguel Bose, Pedro Guerra, Najwa Nimri , Carlos Jean , Miguel Rios, Victor Manuel, Ana Belen, Pereza, Amaral, Manolo Garcia, Alejo Stivel, Armando Manzanero, Milton Nascimento, Paulina Rubio, Julieta Venegas, Coti, Tommy Torres, Joan Manuel Serrat, Alejandro Lerner and Nina Pastori, and his own band LEGOERO among others.

In 2016 he joins Latin star JUANES’s band which whom he has toured the world (including opening for bands like The Rolling Stones, the Foo Fighters, Sting) and appeared at great shows as Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel. Also winning two Latin and one American Grammys (nominated five times too).

Currently he is living in Miami, touring with JUANES and tracking drums online at his own studio NOVAESTUDIOS MIAMI for different producers worldwide. When he is not busy touring or recording, he does clinics for the brands he represents, Zildjian, DW, EVANS, VicFirth, 64 AUDIO, HERITAGE AUDIO and AUSTRIAN AUDIO.

Marcelo on the Austrian Audio microphones:

OC18: great microphone for overheads and various purposes. Super clarity and bright tone for details.

CC8: I use it for Hihat, ride and snare. Great response in various frequencies!

OD5: Great mic for toms 

OC7: great mic for mono overhead, snare down, front kit and kick out.