David Domminney Fowler


The first thing I noticed about Austrian Audio’s microphones was the build quality. Straight out of the box they felt solid, heavy and robust. They feel like they will last a life time.

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Guitarist and vocalist David Domminney Fowler has been playing Pink Floyd songs since he started his first band at the age of 13. He worked out all the chords and solos from the albums he bought and then forced the rest of his band to play the songs at their shows. David went on to sign a record deal and tour Europe with his own band Juice, a highlight being a festival appearance alongside Feeder and Coldplay.

David actually saw TAPFS play many years ago – he remembers saying at the time that he would love to be up on stage – and in recent years became friendly with the band. He saw many European tours, swapped music with the guys and, when an opening became available, was invited to audition. He was the first and only person they saw. David remains a huge Pink Floyd fan and has fantastic memories of seeing David Gilmour and Roger Waters on tour.

The first thing I noticed about Austrian Audio’s microphones was the build quality. Straight out of the box they felt solid, heavy and robust. They feel like they will last a life time. The mode switches are also heavy duty and they don’t require a tool to adjust them, everything can be selected by hand. This is so important when in a live situation. It seems Austrian Audio have thought of everything. Then of course it all comes down to the quality of audio. These microphones are VERY accurate. VERY flat in frequency response and particularly accurate and smooth on the high end. They are warm, organic and real. These microphones won’t colour your sound so they won’t leave you second guessing what your audience is hearing. They won’t exaggerate undesirable frequencies. Instead your audience will hear what you hear on stage but sweeter. I’m extremely fussy and picky about sound and I’ve tried a multitude of microphones but these microphones are not only refined and classy, they also have a lot of ‘mojo going on’.
