Jimmy Robberts
I tried playing a few passes on a song I’m working on and I think I have found my new favorite saxophone mic thanks to you. The mic sounds so nice just plugging it in and playing.
I’ve had the opportunity to play with some truly amazing artists & musicians such as Rod Stewart, Etta James, The Eurythmics, Sade, Pianist Rob Mullins, R&B singer Derek Bordeaux, Randy Jacobs, Carly Simon, Rick Braun, David Benoit, Greg Karukas just to name a a few.
While being a family guy, I still managed to record a few projects of my own. Two solo projects, Bless My Soul and For We Are Never Alone, plus The Roberts Brothers Sugar and Spice and Twins Cds which by the way are still available for purchase.
I am now finishing up my latest Cd, King of The Funky Tongue, a semi funky mixture of old and new grooves guaranteed to bring some love and happiness to your ears! There’s no doubt , Jimmy Saxman Roberts is still out here playing that funky music.