(Video) 3 Reasons Why The OC818 Is One Step Ahead, According To Jim Ebdon

(Video) 3 Reasons Why The OC818 Is One Step Ahead, According To Jim Ebdon

Sam Smith’s FOH engineer, Jim Ebdon, praises Austrian Audio’s OC818 microphones in use on the English singer-songwriter’s tour as overheads, citing them to be ‘one step ahead’.

3 Reasons Why The OC818 Is One Step Ahead, According To Sam Smith’s FOH Engineer

Sam Smith’s FOH engineer, Jim Ebdon, praises Austrian Audio’s OC818 microphones in use on the English singer-songwriter’s tour as overheads, citing them to be ‘one step ahead’.

1. First Impressions:

I have always been a fan of the other brand of microphone, but the OC818 is just that one step ahead.

2. PolarPilot App:

I’ve got to be honest with you – I haven’t used it because the microphone sounds so good, I don’t need to use it! I don’t want to interfere with something that is great off the bench.

3. Drums

We’ve been using them on the Sam Smith tour as overheads, and we have had great results. It just works; I can knock those overheads out of phase and the fatness that comes into the drum sound is incredible!

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